By Bob Hedlund | on July 08, 2022
Plumber’s electric hacksaw, $25., 218-591-4450
Rustic dressing table w/ small wood bench, 3 drawers, 19Dx27-3/4Wx29”H, $500., 715-764-4719.
Large vanity dresser w/bench & large round mirror, great cond., $700., 715-764-4719
Very old all brass cash register, $600., 218-254-3289/218- 969-4610
Buying: Paying $100-$180,for fiberglass or metal hard hats w/3 ridges on top,218-966- 7791
Men’s dress/casual slacks, 38×32/38×34 some brand new, brand names $ $8 obo exc.condition, 218-638-2767
Ladie’s Shadowland 1x and 2x gowns light green, and lavendar $18 each 218-638-2767
Refrigerator w/top freezer, great shape, $300., 218-749- 3460
Kenmore dryer elite w/pedestal, runs great, $200. OBO, 218-780-2985
Dorm fridge, General Electric, new $250., 218-741-0175
10-year-old refrigerator freezer, Kenmore Model 6593-403, Exc. cond., $275. Bill-218-290-7964
2 pc 6/3 UF-B w/ ground underground elec. wire, 17′ & 19′. $45 ea or 2/$75. 741-2557
Like new 3/16”, 4×8 metal sheets- make offer, 218-744- 2488, lv message
270 sq. ft. oak flooring, baked on clear finish. $4. Sq. ft. or BO, 741-2745
Ruff cut lumber, MN white cedar, $2. board ft., MN black ash, $1.50 board ft. 218-741- 2745 ***
Farm Broad cast seeder, $450., 218-749-3993
Hydraulic unit fits on Allis Chalmer B, $350., 218-404- 3423
1996 Ranch King riding mower. 42″ cut, 14.5 hp. $300. 218 290 4627
WANTED: Rear tire mounted 16-9-30 for a Massey Ferguson MF-85 or parts tractor, 218-780-4654
Wanted: Caterpillar D330 turbo 4-cylinder engine. 218- 780-9469
1949 Farmall 8 International: 20 Hrs. on completely overhauled engine, new tires, carburetor & governor, 3 pt. hitch, Internat’l tandem disc, 2 Internat’l bottom 8’ landscape rakes, 8” auger, $5,000. 218- 780-2881***
1957 John Deere 620, W.F., Pow.Steer, 3 pt, good rubber, Good Condition, $6000. 218- 969-5398***
1830 Case Skid-steer- Lots of work done, W/trailer with Forever License, $8,500. 218-749-3993 ***
Beautiful lg Rocking Chair & stained-glass top Coffee Table matching carved wood tulip fabric Schweiger 2182290459 Aurora $300
Beautiful lg Rocking Chair & stained-glass top Coffee Table matching carved wood tulip fabric Schweiger 218-229-0459
Duncan Phyfe dining table needs TLC expands incl table pads lv message 218-229-0459 landline $25 pu Aurora
Coffee table w/2 matching end tables, $30., 218-838-5736
Free rocker recliner, 218-744- 2335
4 drawer dresser, great shape, large deep drawer, 34Wx- 19Dx46H, $500., 715-764-4719
5-piece bedroom set, like new condition, $650., 218-750-4747
Wanted: Would like to buy back Oak Morris Chair sold on consignment at Loon Country Antiques in Virginia in 1995. Has sentimental value. 218-744-3516 ****
Window air conditioner for $100. 218-749-5555
Kenmore 5000 BTU window air conditioner, $25., 218-749- 6761
Doumatic Olson 80,000 BTU fuel oil furnace, works great. $300., 218-398-7351
Temco floor model gas heater with blower, $400. 218-254-3289– /218-969-4610
Lawnboy torpedo kerosene heater, exc. shape w/thermostat, $150., 218-744-4617
Push mower, needs little work, $60., 218-865-6564
1996 Ranch King riding mower, 14.5hp, 42” cut, $300., 218-290- 4627
Plants: rhubarb, iris, perennialstomatoes etc., 218-838-5736
John Deere rear tine tiller and plow, hydraulic, $350. & $300., 218-393-6130
Riding lawn mower-Troy-Bilt, 46” cut, 20 hp Brigg’s twin cycle, 1 owner, $900., 218-410-4503
Garden hose reel box w/100’ Flexilla 5/8” hose, $85. 218-290- 0811
2- 1979 Bolens 16HP lawn tractors- blade, tiller-other attachments, need repair, $500 OBO for all, 218-749-9893
Black & Decker Lithium trimmer/ edger, LST140 w/battery, $100., 218-404-3066
concrete/mortar trailer mixer w/ new 5HP gas engine. $1250., 218- 254-3059 evenings ***
Restorable Circle mill, $2500, obo, Moline engine-all steel w/44” insert blade, 218-741-7787
1968 Chevy 1.5 ton w/pressure washer, good shape, low mi., overhauled 6 cylinder engine. $2,500. 218-741-2745***
Portable knitting machine, Brother model #KH341. $240. 218-262-4631 or email
500-Watt Solar power station/ gen. Pure Sine Wave A/C outlets. 4 USB charging ports. Charging power to take with you. $300.00 744-2726
Eagle claw, free-standing bath tub W/accessories, $300., 218- 749-3460
New In Box – adjust. sliding bath/ shower bench with back. “Drive” brand. $100. 218-744-1286.
Wine Equipment: Bottle corker, 6 gal. primary fermenters, 5 gal. glass fermenters, 3 gal. glass fermenter. All for $150, 218-393-1583
ROVI X3 Power wheelchair $3000.00 Exc. condition, barely used for 1 year. Battery, instruction manual included. (218)290- 9045***
Handmade 2-story dollhouse/ cabin w/patio, 6 rooms, carpet/tile & furniture, $495, 715-764-4719
1950’s Green Coleman 2 burner camp stove. $40. 218-780-3205
Pair of Kayak or misc. wall hangers. New. $15. 218-780- 3205
2 sets of dumb bells- 2lb & 3lb-1 lb ankle weights, $10 for all 218-741-0066
Home beer brewing equipment, 5 cases of bottles, caper, books, fermenter, bottle dryer, etc. $60., 218-225-2964
36” Mediteranean style table lamp w/matching 25” hanging lamp, red/orange w/black chains & metal accents, $20., 218-749-6761
Small Westinghouse microwave, nice shape, works well. $10., 218-749-6761
2 metal Vict. style plant hangers $20ea, 2-7 ft. black metal shepherd hooks, $15ea, 2 decorative metal free-standing hose hangers $15 ea., 218-749-5009, can text pictures.
Ridgid 9 gallon wet/dry vac w/bags, $50., Coleman portable toilet, $50, 218-290-0811
Amazon Echo Dot 3rd Gen., Exc. cond. Charcoal in color. Will deliver in Vir./Hibb. area. 744-2726. $20.00
Analog pass through DTV converter box. model DTX9950 $20.00. 218-966- 5446
Smart digital converter box. GE. $20.00. 218-966-5446
Old cast 10# sausage stuffer, $75. 218-254- 3289/218-969-4610
Deluxe full-size airbed, 24” thick, built-in pump, never used, still in box, paid $80, sell for $35., 218-410-4035
Shot glass collection with glass door case, 48 glasses of the lower 48 states, no Hawaii or Alaska, $200. 218-780-2243
Crafthut- 10’x10’x7’ w/awning & corner weights, $750., 218- 744-4006
Vintage Finnish Kauhaua knife, 5’ with sheath, decorative horsehead on tip of handle. $75., photos available. 218-780-0931
Like new power bed $700. Includes base, twin mattress, pad, waterproof cover, sheets, bedspread 218-290-1118
Generator, Porter-Cable H650CS, 6500w (8000w surge) 240/120v,13 hp Honda GX engine, Steel frame with wheel kit $1200, 218-780- 9775 ***
“HUGE” True Hope Fellowship Basement, 1 Sunrise Dr., Virginia,(Midway) Something for everyone, Fri. & Sat. July 22 & 23, 8-5
Yamaha 61 keys, elec. keyboard, like new w/adjust. chair, stand, padded case, songbooks & more. $380. OBO, 218-638-2767
Hammered dulcimer, smaller size w/ case, stand, hammers & music. $420. 218-262-4631 or email
125 LP’s Johnny Cash to Buddy Holly to Dean Martin, $150., 218- 834-5669
Bar bells w/weights, 110 lb., $40 OBO, 218-638-2767
Older Schwinn XR-6 Exercise Bike. Good shape. Speedometer does not work. $150 cash. 741-2557
1950’s Green Coleman 2 burner camp stove. $40. 218- 780-3205.
Wilderness systems kayak pungo 12′ durlite, yellow, like brand new, $800 also bending branches whisper paddle, 94″ black/silver, $85 218 638 2767
Men’s 26” bike, multi-speed. $50., 218-410-0891
30/06 bolt action rifle w/scope, comp. stock, new, $600., 218- 410-0891
Colt Trooper Mark III nickle 6”, 357 mag., exc. condition, $650., 218-780-4509, call or text
Remington 870 Wingmaster magnum 12ga, 30” barrel. Exc. condition, $375., 218-780-4509, call or text
Remington 514 single shot, 22LR, good condition, $130. 218- 780-4509, call or text
Matched T/C Hawkins rifle-Patriot pistol, 45 cal. B/P w/acc., $850., 218-834-5669
For sale or trade or best offer- 19,000 38 cal, star bullets 148 gr. Hollow base wad cutter $1,000. Shot shell reloader 12 Ga. Ponsness Warren model 900 plus reloading components $500.218- 262-6329*****
PERMIT TO CARRY CLASSES Classes held locally and will travel.
• 4-hour class • Informative Q&A • Live fire shooting range, shooting done one-on-one with instructor • Free tactical training to all students 218-750-7717 ***
Mercury Disston chainsaw motor, bar, chain 350.00. 218- 404-3423
B&D electric hedge trimmer, $20.Yard Man MTD grass trimmer, $30., 218-290-0811
Wood 10’ & 6’ step ladder, $70 & $30, 218-290-0811
Craftsman 10” direct drive steel table saw w/stand & sawdust vacuum, $175., 218-290-0811
Craftsman 3/8” reversible drill, $15, Makita 4” disc grinder, $40., 218-290-0811
Welder: Miller syncrowave 250 and accessories. $500.00. 218-258-3910
Craftsman 8” circular saw, $40. & gas brush saw, $10, skil belt sander, $30, 218-290-0811
Wanted: Child’s book, A Penny for Candy. Please call (408) 915-1149.
Finnish items such as glassware, dinnerware, collector plates, jewelry, wall hangings, etc. Call Arlene at (561) 317- 3278
Stained glass & supplies you no longer use. Will pay cash, Katherine, 218-969-9210
Wanted: Winchester, Savage, Marlin lever action rifles & Colt, Smith & Wesson Browning Hi-power, Luger, P38, high standard pistols, 218-263-7022
Wanted to buy 4,000 lb. shore station, Please call 780-6316
Four older wooden kitchen chairs. Must be sturdy. 218- 235-0100
Large free standing clothes drying rack. 218-235-0100
Small stationary exercise bike for daily use, easy to use, 218-780-1449
Stained glass supplies and glass, call Mike, 612-991- 8824
Would the person who called me about the Free encyclopedia Brittanica set please call back, 218-749-6761
Old leather holsters, ammo belts, knives, bayonets, axes, hatchets, Duluth packs, Garcia Sweden fishing reels, cast iron cookware, old compasses, 218- 966-7791
Trailer, what do you have? 218- 749-3993
Remington model 870 20 gauge pump, 218-398-7351
Remington pump rifle in 35 rem. 44-40 or38-40 or 32-20 or 25-20, 218-294-6729
Remington 760 or 7600 or 7400 or 4 rifle 218-294-6729
Winchester 1905 self-loading rifle, also wanted savage-Fox side by side shotgun call 218- 294-6729
9mm or 38 revolver handgun, have conceal & carry permit, 218-398-7351
Riding lawn mowers in need of repair, will pick up, 218-398-7351
Savage Lever deer rifle, Winchester old deer rifle, colt pistols, old military things, old gun parts & ammo. 218-262-4637
Winchester older deer rifle, cold pistols, old military things, old gun parts and ammo, 218- 262-4637
Old compasses, Garcia reels, spearing decoys, spear, gun scope, bayonets, knives, old duck calls. 218-966-7791
Old copper car radiators, batteries & junk copper & brass, will haul, 218-262-4637
Paying $100-$180 each for fiberglass or alum hard hats w/3 ridges on top. From Minntac, Reserve, Oliver Iron, J&L Steel, Hoover, U.S. Steel, Erie, Etc. 218-263-7022
Fiberglass or metal hard hats w/3 ridges on top from Minntac, Hanna, Reserve, Erie, U.S. Steel, DMIR Railroad, etc. paying $100-$180. 218-969-1834
Single burner camp stoves, red Coleman lanterns, old spearing decoys, spears, large animal traps, Garcia reels. 218- 969-1834
Older military things, old finnish knives, hunting & fishing things, axes, traps, decoys, silver & gold chains. 218-262- 4637
Wanted Red Coleman lanterns, single burner camp stoves, pack sacks, 218-969-1834
Square folding 4X4 table w/carry handle. 218-749- 2046,leave message
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